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苹果ios上架审核被拒驳回:Guideline 5.1.1

2024-01-26 浏览: 48

Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

We noticed your app encourages or directs users to allow the app to access the location. Specifically, your app directs the user to grant permission in the following way(s):

- A message appears before the permission request, and to proceed users press a “快速开启定位” button. Use words like “Continue” or “Next” on the button instead.

- A message appears before the permission request, and the user can close the message and delay the permission request with the X button. The user should always proceed to the permission request after the message.

Permission requests give users control of their personal information. It is important to respect their decision about how their data is used.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise the permission request process in your app to not display messages before the permission request with inappropriate words on buttons or include an exit button on the message before the permission request.

If necessary, you may provide more information about why you are requesting permission before the request appears. If the user is trying to use a feature in your app that won’t function without access to the location, you may include a notification to inform the user and provide a link to the Settings app.


- Watch a video from App Store Review with tips for doing more for users with less data.

- Learn more about designing appropriate permission requests.

We look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app.

Best regards,

App Store Review




标签: 苹果ios上架审核被拒驳回:Guideline 5.1.1